Hornsby Shire Council has endorsed the Hornsby Affordable Housing Strategy at the December Meeting. The Affordable Housing Strategy will see actions in public and private sectors to deliver more affordable and social housing, emphasising accommodation for key workers. In tandem with the Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme that sets specific rates...
Read moreDetailsNorth Sydney Council is struggling financially. To fortify their financial position, Council recently proposed a Special Rate Variation (SRV) and engaged the community for their feedback. Every year, the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) releases a rate peg for each council. This rate peg is a maximum percentage amount...
Read moreDetailsAll hope may not be lost for Westleigh Park. In early December, the Sydney North Planning Panel approved a Development Application (DA) for major works at Westleigh. After lodging the DA in September of 2023, Hornsby Shire Council welcomed the independent panel’s approval decision. Westleigh Park is a 36-hectare site...
Read moreDetailsHailing originally from the Inner West, Christine Kay made her steady way over to Ku-ring-gai for the leafy green, as many do. In the 2017 Local Government Elections, Christine first ran for Ku-ring-gai Council. Though unsuccessful, she persisted and put her hand up again in 2021, where the community elected...
Read moreDetailsAt the time of publication, the by-election candidates are as listed. Hornsby James Wallace Liberal Party Tania Salitra Greens Steve Busch One Nation Justin Thomas SAP Epping Monica Tudehope Liberal Party Duncan Voyage Greens Pittwater Georgia Ryburn Liberal Party Jacqui Scruby Independent
Read moreDetailsThe highly contested seat for the Mayoral spot at Hornsby Shire Council has a new occupant. Announced by the NSW Electoral Commission, the results of the Mayoral vote from the Local Government Elections show Shire residents voting in Liberal candidate Warren Waddell to serve as their Mayor. This will be...
Read moreDetailsA new 13-week series on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is coming to local Hornsby Ku-ring-gai radio station Triple H 100.1 FM. From the beginning of August, Newcastle radio show “Wellbeing” from 2NURFM is being syndicated to Triple H on Monday nights, lead by host Jack Hodgins. “Wellbeing” is a...
Read moreDetailsANOTHER round of grants are up for grabs across the Northern Beaches. For its seventh year, Northern Beaches Council and the grants program will fund projects from environmental groups, sporting clubs, not-for-profits, artists, and local individuals. The program is in place to support vital projects, along with enriching and sustainably...
Read moreDetailsWILLOUGHBY City Council has launched a comprehensive investigation into a large-scale tree vandalism event along Willowie Road. Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, where a person is found guilty of an offence involving the destruction of or damage to a tree or vegetation, the court dealing with the...
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