Commemorating our Service Men and Women

On 25 April, we remember and commemorate the sacrifices made by our former and current servicemen and women in defence of our freedoms.

Anzac Day is a sacred occasion that unites all Australians and all communities. Most of us know someone who has served, and the day is a sombre reminder of the horrors of war and the impacts it has on those who serve, as well as their families and communities.

The electorate of Bradfield has a rich and proud military history, with men and women from different generations having served or currently serving in the Australian Defence Force.

Whether it was the First World War, Vietnam War, the Afghanistan War, or peacekeeping operations, thousands of people from our area have served with distinction.

It is important that we remember and honour their service, so that it can serve as inspiration to future generations.

The work of our defence personnel is dangerous, and we cannot take for granted the immense sacrifices they have made, and continue to make, so we can continue to enjoy the freedom and prosperity that we have today.

I encourage Bradfield residents to attend a local Anzac Day service and pay their respects to all those who have served and sacrificed over the history of our nation.

We will remember them.

Lest we forget.

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