Uniting Church bringing back memories with ‘MemoryLink’

MemoryLink – a device beneficial for Worship for isolated people, perhaps because of mobility issues, dementia, or living alone.  

Each device contains 30 of the most popular hymns, 30 children’s songs and 40 meditations. It awakens peace, love and joy.

It is a small, hand-held, battery-operated player programmed with hymns, choruses, Bible texts and prayers. It is used with/by/for ageing people (including those with dementia), enabling them to hear these songs and messages in a simple and easy to use device, bringing hope, joy and peace to their later years. 

When ageing people begin to lose their memories, the most recent memories are the first lost, and the last lingering on are those of their childhood.  

Music memories can be the most powerful.  When well-known music is combined with well-known and inspiring words, it can be most potent of all. “MemoryLink is not only bringing my husband great joy, suffering as he does from dementia, but it is a great comfort to me as well.”

For more information:


Email memorylink@bphuniting.org. Call (02) 9875 3436

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