Grandstand Renamed After Local Icons

THE Weldon Oval Grandstand at John Fisher Park is to be renamed the Loudon Marston Grandstand. Officially endorsed by Northern Beaches Council, the new name honours two local sporting icons for their dedication to sport and community.

‘Council is proud to acknowledge the legacy of Bruce Loudon and Harry Marston by naming the grandstand in their honour,’ says Northern Beaches Mayor Sue Heins.

Bruce Loudon was a founding father of the Warringah Cricket Club in 1977, and a ma-jor contributor to the Freshwater Uniting Church, South Curl Curl Life Saving, organiser of Cancer Council and Neighbourhood Watch events. Mr London dedicated his time to organising Anzac Day, Vietnam Veteran’s Day and Remembrance Day services with the Northern Beaches Sub-Branch NSW National Servicemen’s Association.

Harry Marston had his hands and heart over the establishment over the Manly Warrin-gah Wolves Australian Football Club in 1969. Mr Marston was awarded the Australian Sports Medal in 2000.

‘It is a fitting tribute to their vision and unwavering commitment to promote sporting excellence and teamwork,’ says Mayor Heins. ‘Both gentlemen were the inaugural presidents of their clubs and spent many years on committee showing great leadership and community spirit.’

The proposal to change the name after the two gentlemen was put forth by Warringah Cricket Club and Manly Warringah Wolves AFL Club. Community consultation showed over-whelming support, allowing Council to adopt the proposal.

A naming ceremony to officially christen the grandstand is yet to be announced.

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