To nudge or not to nudge…that is the question!

 IT has been a big year.  So much has happened that we could be forgiven for feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. It is around this time of year that we start hoping for the year to end so we can proverbially ‘wipe the slate clean’ and, with the tick of the clock at midnight on the 31st December, we can move on and, almost, forget it ever happened. A little like a train jumping track.

Yet, nature reminds us that we live in cycles, so jumping track is not actually what we are designed to do. However, if you paid attention at school to your Physics lessons where we looked at trajectories and how one small nudge didn’t look like a large change initially but if you followed it for long enough it, your one small change could take you in a totally different direction… perhaps we could employ that in our review of this year and plans for next year

What does that look like? Well, you might choose to make a commitment to give yourself a little more space to get ready in the morning so you are not rushing, to pack your own lunch so you can be more in charge of the nutrition values, you might cut back on one coffee or sugar hit a day. 

These small nudges can have big impacts on physical and mental health if you allow your body space to settle into the new rhythm. You are then setting yourself up for your new cycle, ready to enjoy your own science experiment and to observe the trajectories of your seemingly small health and wellbeing nudge.

What will you include in your review of the year? And…why wait?

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