Join The Post for Morning Tea at Magpies Waitara

We celebrate women this March 8th. 

International Women’s Day is a global holiday focusing on women’s rights and honouring the work of the women who came before.

This year for 2024, the theme of IWD is “Inspire Inclusion”. Where women in some parts of the world are unable to be themselves, and do not have the equal rights and opportunities that their male counterparts do, inspiring inclusion and equality is of great concern.

This holiday is not limited to one organisation, one country, or any one individual. The day is for women and girls everywhere to be celebrated, thought of, and advocated for.

Groups across the globe are encouraged to work towards gender equality for International Women’s Day. To make communities and societies more equal, we can fight for women’s economic empowerment, recruit and develop female talent, support women in leadership positions, build infrastructure to meet the needs of women and girls, provide quality education, elevate female sporting achievements, and address further female advancement.

The Community is warmly invited to join us for a special morning tea at Magpies Waitara starting at 10.30 am.

Our Guest speaker for the event is Cristina Davy, a dating and relationship coach The Post featured in our November edition. Cristina, a certified Neuro-linguistic practitioner, teaches and guides successful, mature women in the marvellous and stressful world of dating. Cristina speaks on the traits and dynamics women should know in relationships to ensure success. Cristina will share her valuable insights this International Women’s Day.

Local poet Jacqueline Wright, who you can read about in this March edition, will be reading a beautiful poem she wrote dedicated to her daughter at the event.

Local poet Jacqueline Wright, who you can read about in this March edition, will be reading a beautiful poem she wrote dedicated to her daughter at the event.

Lucky door prizes, raffles, a delicious morning tea will make celebrating this International Women’s Day fun and worthwhile.

You can also pay on the day to attend, please let us know your coming on 8355 5136.

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