Parcel theft rising with online shopping home deliveries

DURING lockdown there has been a sharp rise in shopping online, having our parcels delivered to our homes as we couldn’t get out and shop the more traditional way.

Unfortunately, thieves have taken advantage of the circumstances and we have seen a sharp rise in parcel theft throughout the Command (predominantly from the foyer areas of apartment/unit type living), where couriers drop the parcel off in the foyers of these buildings.

This type of offense is not limited to high-rise/apartment type residences. It occurs from standalone homes as well

Please be vigilant even though we are slowly coming out of lockdown and where possible, have someone home when your parcel is delivered or arrange for the parcel/s to be delivered to a location where someone you trust will be there to accept it.

Tracking your order delivery where possible gives you a general timeframe as to when your parcel will be delivered.


COVID-19: Whilst police have been attending the jobs we always attend; we have been busy conducting Covid-19 Compliance checks.

These checks involve attending addresses of those in the community who either have covid or are close contacts of those who have contracted Covid.

At the time of attendance, we enquire about their welfare, physical and mental state, and have been able to offer them assistance if they require the basics, food, clothing etc. On occasion we have had to call an ambulance for the person as they have gone downhill quite quickly.

We’ve conducted Business inspections to ensure compliance is being adhered to regarding Covid restrictions etc, QR entry, numbers of persons within the businesses, mask wearing etc.

We’ve also conducted high visibility patrols of shopping centres for mask wearing compliance restrictions.

BICYCLE THEFTS: We’ve hade a number of bicycle thefts throughout the command these last couple of months, from homes and unit complexes with some being stolen from basement cages within unit complexes.

BREAK AND ENTERS: Break and enters continue to occur throughout the command with a few arrests in relation to these.

TRAFFIC: We continue to conduct random breath and drug testing throughout the command

PATROLS: We conduct high visibility patrols as we normally do, patrolling open spaces, parks, ovals, Brooklyn area, schools, in an attempt to minimise malicious damage incidents – graffiti etc.

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