Boele stands for Bradfield

North Turramurra local investment and sustainability executive Nicolette Boele (pronounced Bull-a) has lived in Bradfield for 41 of her 51 years, and yet she’s only spoken with her local Federal member, Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher, once.

“I asked him if he supported NSW Treasurer Matt Kean’s stance on climate action. I didn’t like his answer and decided to enter politics to inspire my children to vote for a better future,” Ms Boele says.

Voices of Bradfield endorsed her after a rigorous selection process. She will run on a platform of economic responsibility, climate action, integrity and respect for women in politics, increasing social cohesion and reducing inequality.

She is a Responsible Investment Executive, and has worked for Responsible Investment Association Australasia, the Investor Group on Climate Change and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.

The seat has been in Liberal hands since its inception 73 years ago and has only ever been represented by men. But Ms Boele thinks people in modern Bradfield want change, and she hopes to appeal to voters of all parties who care about climate change, the future of our economy and the integrity of government decision-making.

Ms Boele says her decision to run as an Independent was driven by the sense that the party-political system is not hearing – or responding to – the issues that matter to voters.

“We need responsible economic decision makers, politicians who can pre-empt problems and plan for them – thereby avoiding disastrous consequences like the ones we’re seeing now in the Government’s inadequate handling of Covid.

“The Coalition Government has committed $660M on carparks for unclear, at least, reasons. The Auditor-General found that the approach taken was not demonstrably merit-based.

“I want to use my skills, experience and personal commitment to drive positive change for our community and our country. Yes, we’re a wealthy electorate, but we still need to protect the vulnerable when it comes to domestic violence, Aged Care, the NDIS and HECs debts,” she says.

“As a mother of teenagers, I believe we need our government to deliver a real plan to shift Australia from our dependence on fossil fuels and capitalise on the economic benefits of clean energy technological innovation. We need better planning for affordable and more sustainable housing and urban infrastructure for our children. We need actual forward thinking to manage the transformation of our economy,” she says.

“I am under no illusion about the size of the challenge ahead of us,” Ms Boele says. “But if the policies and behaviours of the past few terms of Liberal Government continue, it will come at the cost of our economy, our jobs and our kids’ futures. I’m asking everyone to vote like your future depends on it.”

Ms Boele’s candidacy was declared on January 19, 2022, with an official campaign launch on Sunday January 30 at St Ives Community Hall, at the Village Green, 10-12 noon.

Recent polling from Resolve reveals the proportion of the electorate prepared to consider voting for an Independent has risen from 8% in April 2021 to 11% in January 2022.

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