Big shoes to fill in Willoughby

ALL eyes are on the upcoming by-election for the seat of Willoughby on 12 February, as quite unexpectedly the Liberal party have preselected Tim James over the former Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney.

The popular former premier Gladys Berejiklian’s Willoughby seat became available after she resigned in October 2021.

In a liberal preselection ballot held on 13 January 2022, 58 votes were in Tim James favour, with former Mayor of Willoughby Gail Giles-Gidney receiving 52 votes. Her supporters include the former Premier Gladys Berejiklian, MP Trent Zimmerman and MP Paul Fletcher.

This was not Tim James first time attempting preselection. In November 2018 he lost preselection to sitting MP Felicity Wilson for the seat of North Sydney by just one vote. The big question is will the constituents of Willoughby vote for him and who will run against him.

Premier Dominic Perrottet has backed Tim James stating that he will do a great job representing the local community.

“The Willoughby community needs a representative with Tim’s experience, drive and determination to support the local recovery, and only Tim will be able to continue Gladys’ record of delivery for the community,” Mr Perrottet said.

Tim James stated, “If elected, I will be focusing all of my efforts on delivering for the local community, and advocating for their needs in Government,” said Mr James. “I am very conscious of the big shoes I will be stepping into – Gladys was an outstanding local Member and provided exceptional leadership for Willoughby and our state.”

Tim is married to Nikki and they have two daughters, Chloe and Madeleine with a son on the way. He has an MBA, degrees in Business and Law, as well as post-graduate qualifications from Chartered Secretaries Australia, the Financial Services Institute of Australia and the AICD.

Tim is the Executive General Manager at the Menzies Research Centre and former CEO of the national medicines peak body, and has worked at KPMG, law firm Allens, and served as an in-house counsel and strategic policy manager for Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson.

He has also worked in the electorate offices of Joe Hockey and John Howard, and served as the Chief of Staff to Minister Roberts in the O’Farrell Government.

In 2003 Gladys Berejiklian defeated independent Willoughby mayor Pat Reilly. Although the Liberals have dominated here recently a strong independent could see things change.

Former mayor, Gail Giles-Gidney, has a strong groundswell of community support as well as a proven track record in delivering for Willoughby City. She is well respected and would certainly be a considerable opponent for Tim James at the polls.

On 7 December 2021, in recognition of her service to Willoughby City Council, Gail was awarded the title of Emeritus Mayor by the NSW Local Government.

North Sydney Deputy Mayor William Bourke has also announced he will contest the Willoughby by-election.

“A vote for Sustainable Australia Party is a vote to protect our environment, stop overdevelopment and stop corruption. This by-election is an opportunity to send a clear message to the state government that, in a real democracy, the interests of the community come before the interests of major political donors,” said Mr Bourke.

It remains to be seen if Gail Giles-Gidney will stand as an Independent for the upcoming by-election.

Also unsuccessful was Kellie Sloane, former Seven Network Presenter and Journalist and CEO for Life Education.

Kellie held support from former premier Mike Baird and she doesn’t intend to run as an independent.

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