What’s Happening at Lizard Rock?

Possible development at “Lizard Rock” is stirring the community.

Formally Crown land, the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council (MLALC) was granted the 71-hectare site following the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 to compensate Aboriginal peoples for their historic dispossession.

The MLALC have multiple land holdings across the Northern Beaches Local Government Area.

MLALC submitted a Planning Proposal in October of 2022 to the Department of Planning and Environment. Originally named Lizard Rock, the proposal was retitled to the “Patyegarang Planning Proposal” to be more culturally appropriate.

A Gateway Determination was issued in June 2023 to have the proposal put forward to public exhibition.

Northern Beaches Council have been outspoken in their opposition to the proposal, claiming extreme risk in the destruction of “45 football fields” of bushfire prone land.

Council raised concerns with the planning proposal, outlining that the timeframe for consultation was too short to be meaningful; that there were inconsistencies with the documentation as the proposal mentioned 450 “dwellings” in some sections, while the term 450 “lots” were used in others; the loss of biodiversity; and that the proposal was inconsistent with established housing strategies for the LGA.

‘Council wholeheartedly supports the intent of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act but we cannot condone this particular proposal due to the extreme risks and impacts it presents,’ wrote Northern Beaches Council in an October 2023 release.

Member for Wakehurst and former Mayor of Northern Beaches Council, Michael Regan, is similarly displeased with the Patyegarang Planning Proposal.

‘Myself, other neighbouring state MPs, local Federal MPs, the Northern Beaches Council and local residents all oppose development at this site,’ says Michael Regan. ‘The Minns Government needs to kill this proposal off and find alternative sites for the developer.’

“Lizard Rock” was formerly under the electorate of Davidson, though since March of 2023 is now under the Wakehurst federal electorate. Member for Davidson, Matt Cross, has reservations concerning the development.

‘Before the March 2023 election, a re-elected Perrottet Liberal-Nationals Government made the election commitment to protect this bushland,’ says Matt Cross. ‘I call on the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Paul Scully, or his delegate, who will be a final authority to determine if and how the land is rezoned, to not approve this proposal.’

Public exhibition submissions ended in November 2023, with a decision on the matter still pending. The MLALC are awaiting a finalisation assessment following the public exhibition, where the proposal is said to be updated to account for community and stakeholder concerns. If successfully approved, the next step would involve producing and submitting a Development Application.

The Post has reached out to the MLALC for comment. At the time of publication, a response has not been provided. Any response will be updated in a future edition as we continue to bring the news to our community.

How does the community feel about this issue? Please send your feedback to editor@hkpost.com.au

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