Team Roy launches campaign to clean-up Northbridge Plaza carpark

Willoughby Council election candidate Roy McCullagh has responded to community concerns about the derelict appearance of the carpark at Northbridge Plaza by organising a clean-up day. 

“As a Sailors Bay Ward local, I have noticed a significant decline over the years in the upkeep and cleanliness of our public spaces, such as Chatswood CBD, Willoughby’s High Street; Northbridge Baths and Northbridge Plaza carpark to name a few. I can’t recall ever seeing Council workers out in our suburb carrying out maintenance or cleaning. Residents tell me they would like to see this addressed.” 

While Northbridge Plaza is managed by AMP, the carpark itself is the responsibility of Willoughby Council. However, it is becoming increasingly neglected. The area is overgrown and filled with rubbish. Team Roy plans to prioritise better sanitation in public areas when it is elected.

In the meantime, Team Roy held a clean-up of the carpark on Saturday, November 6, 2021. And called on the local community to lend a hand.

McCullagh and his Team Roy running mates Karen Borg and Joseph Mayer donned gardening gloves to lead the clean up.

“Visit to see more photos Team Roy took at Northbridge carpark,” said McCullagh. “It does not look great does it? We want to do something to help, and need your help.

Team Roy is an independent team campaigning for election in the Sailors Bay Ward at the upcoming Willoughby City Council elections on December, 4, 2021

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