24-25 Budget Underwhelms

Many Australians will be looking forward to some cost-of-living relief in the coming weeks, with the Federal Government’s new $300 energy rebate and Stage 3 tax cuts coming into play from 1 July.

The energy rebate is one of a number of sugar hits in a Federal Budget that was full of nice headlines. There certainly are many households that are currently doing it tough and would benefit from a lower energy bill.

At the same time, a $300 rebate for every Australian household regardless of whether they earn several million dollars a year or are getting by on a pension will cost taxpayers a total of $3.5 billion.

Surely this money could have been better targeted, or even redirected towards long-term solutions like helping households invest in solar and batteries, so they need not rely on expensive fossil fuels.

Ultimately, despite the surplus, I found the Budget 24-25 underwhelming: full of headlines but lacking the leadership and reform needed to address our housing, climate, intergenerational equity, and domestic violence crises.

In the lead up to the budget, I consulted with community groups, peak bodies and local councils, and took their views to the Treasurer and ministers of the climate change, transport, health, employment and social services portfolios.

I remain as always committed to working with the Government, my colleagues in Parliament, and all in our community towards the progress we want to see.

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