“All Things Considered”: A Glimpse Into Social Housing

By Photographer Chris Ireland

To mark the Greenway Housing Estate in Kirribilli and its 70-year anniversary, an exhibition launched at the end of March to challenge perceptions of social housing.

“All Things Considered” was an exhibition that captured the humanity of one of New South Wales’ largest public housing estates. Christopher Ireland, renowned Sydney photographer and Asquith local, curated an exhibition that glimpses into the lives of 30 Greenway residents.

‘Initially, my aim was to shed light on the significance of social housing in NSW,’ says Christopher Ireland. ‘However, after a decade of immersion, I’ve gained profound admiration for a community bound by a special connection, brimming with remarkable individuals.’

On display at The Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, and in collaboration with North Sydney Council, “All Things Considered” showed the realities of social housing through 30 candid and documentarian images, nine written stories, and eight podcasts. Crowdfunded, “All Things Considered” represents a ten-year passion project by Ireland.

One of the resident-subjects was Jonno, whose image was captured alongside his testimony, “I’ve got a lot to live for, but I just don’t really like to live. I never stop thinking about him, my son. He died in a car accident… I still keep expecting him to come knocking on me door. It’s one type of pain I wouldn’t wish on anybody.’

Visitors were invited to help sponsor the passion project and help the exhibition travel around NSW and wider Australia.

‘Looking upon this work, I no longer see separate faces,’ says Christopher Ireland. ‘I see a beautiful and diverse tapestry of interconnected threads.’

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