Appeal Denied for Development at St Leonard’s Church

Metro Property Development (Metro) and the Roman Catholic Church (the Church) have lost their appeal against Willoughby City Council’s Interim Heritage Order on the site of St Leonard’s Church. 

After months in court, the Land and Environment Court dismissed the appeal on the 17th of January. Metro and the Church were aiming to remove the heritage order, though were unsuccessful. With the appeal dismissed, the site is rendered undevelopable for Metro and the Church.

First, the Development Application for 43 Donnelly Road was denied by the Willoughby Local Planning Panel, which Metro and the Church were set to appeal. However, the Court will not consider an appeal regarding the denied Development Application while the IHO stands.

Willoughby City Council placed the IHO in late May of 2023; these orders last for a period of 12 months.

‘Council is happy with the result of the IHO appeal,’ says a Willoughby City Council spokesperson. ‘It’s important to note that Council is not opposed to redevelopment, however it reiterates the importance of local heritage which cannot be disregarded and should be at the forefront of any urban renewal.’

The Post have reached out to the Roman Catholic Church and Metro Property Development for comment. At the time of publication, no comment has been offered.

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