Gain real estate weight

SOMETIMES as an Estate Agent, we meet the kindest people ever. I was fortunate enough, earlier in my career to work for the most delightful couple who owned a beautiful house in Drummoyne. Not only did I achieve a remarkable result for them, but I also put on several kilos around my middle during the campaign. 

Please allow me to explain.  

I had suggested to them that during the open homes, they should create an atmosphere of strong hominess and that usually involves pleasing fragrances emanating around their home during inspections. 

They opted for baking a fresh loaf of bread in the oven, and this turned out to be a brilliant choice.  

That unmistakable aroma wafting throughout the home during the inspections was an absolute triumph, however, this turned out for me to be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it worked so well, that everyone loved their home and wanted to buy it. 

On the other hand, the inspections were at lunchtime and after each inspection, while I was giving them the progress report, they sat me down at the dining table, extracted the warm, steaming fresh bread loaf from the oven, and gently placed it down in front of me. 

After the bread hit the table and my nostrils flared with delight after breathing in the wonderful aromatic pleasure for the previous hour (and after all, it was lunchtime), they then proceeded to place no less than at least twenty condiments on the table for me to enjoy with the bread. 

Needless to say, for the next hour, I consumed like there was no tomorrow, added an extra kilo per week to my weight during the marketing, not to mention having to buy a larger belt and have my suit trousers altered accordingly. 

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