Rockin’ Christmas Raffle

WITH lockdowns coming to an end, and students returning to school, there has been an increase in referrals to mental health services. 

As a result, KYDS Youth Development Service is receiving far more referrals than ever before, with referrals at the end of July in 2021 being 39 per cent higher than those in 2019, for the same period. 

In order to meet this growing demand in mental health counselling, as part of their Loud and Clear campaign, KYDS, has partnered with Turramurra and Lindfield Community Bank (TLCB), with the aim to raise $75,000 to cover a full-time counsellor for a year.   

“Unfortunately, we have a waiting list, which is really stressful knowing that there are young people often with complex needs and in really challenging circumstances that we just can’t get to because the level of demand is greater than our resources can meet,” said Helen Jarvis, Chair of Management Committee at KYDS.

Each dollar that is donated to KYDS, will be matched by TLCB, until the goal of $75,000 is reached.

“Effectively if we raise $37,500 from the community, TLCB is matching that, which will give us the $75,000 we need for another counsellor,” Jarvis said. 

This addition of a new full-time counsellor will enable KYDS, to provide 900 more counselling sessions for vulnerable teens, as well as ensuring that 50 young people who are currently on the waiting list are supported. 

So far, KYDS has raised over $23,000, with a little over $14,000 needed in order to reach the intended goal. 

To help meet this goal, KYDS and TLCB are holding a Rockin’ Christmas Raffle. 

With raffle tickets priced at $5 for one and 3 for $10. 

The Hornsby Woodworking Men’s Shed have reached out to TLCB and have generously donated a handcrafted motorcycle rocker as a raffle prize.
“It’s heartening and a hopeful feeling to know that we live in a community that cares. That we live in a community that really wants to be able to help, and will come up with innovative ways to help us,” Jarvis said. 

Donations can be made online at 

Raffle tickets can be purchased online at 

Raffle tickets can also be bought over the counter at either the Turramurra or Lindfield branches. 

The raffle closes at 3pm on Thursday, December 16, 2021, and will be drawn at 3pm on Friday, December 17, 2021.

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