Hornsby Calls For Stronger NSW Government Cooperation

Courtesy: Hornsby Shire Council

IN the NSW Government’s Hornsby Transport Orientated Development masterplan, over 6,200 new dwellings will be established in the area.

This number exceeds the number of dwellings that Hornsby Shire Council had planned as the target for the Hornsby Town Centre.

In Hornsby’s Masterplan, just over 1,000 dwellings were allocated. This figure was developed following a comprehensive study and consultation with stakeholders, landowners and the wider community.

Hornsby Shire Council have announced they support the NSW Government’s masterplan, though are calling for cooperation in delivering essential infrastructure.

This desired infrastructure includes employment zones, road improvement, parking, pedestrian and cycle networks, and open space.

‘We have not seen testing of the impacts of these changes on our roads, parking provision, bus circulation or amenity of adjacent areas,’ says Hornsby Shire Mayor, Warren Waddell. ‘The commitment by the Government to the purchase of additional open space within the Hornsby Town Centre is however welcomed, and we look forward to further commitments by the Government to deliver all necessary infrastructure required to support growth.’

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