Hornsby Labor Announces a Real Alternative for Mayor

Long standing Hornsby Shire Councillor Janelle McIntosh announces her candidature for Mayor of Hornsby.

A long-term local resident and experienced Hornsby Shire Councillor, Janelle McIntosh, has more than thirty years of experience in local government, including three terms as a Hornsby Councillor, Janelle brings a wealth of experience and achievement to the role.

“Janelle offers a real alternative as Mayor, with many years of dedicated engagement with the community across the whole Shire and a record of achievement on key issues such as sustainability, planning, public domain and infrastructure, ageing and disability issues,” said Shannen. “Janelle has demonstrated a fantastic ability to be able to collaborate with a broad range of partners and deliver positive outcomes for Hornsby.” said Shannen Potter, Chair of the Hornsby Local Government Committee.

The Post will publish an interview with Janelle McIntosh in our September edition along with more information on the upcoming local government elections scheduled for 14 September 2024.

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