Is Your Hearing Affecting Your Brain Health?

HAVING been deeply involved in the Audiology profession for over 40 years it is no surprise to learn that hearing health and brain health are inter-linked.

Not only brain health but emotional health, mental health and physical health. Addressing hearing loss is now recognised as the #1 modifiable risk for Dementia. Even mild hearing loss impacts our brain health.

Memory is impacted as we struggle to retain information whilst the brain processes it. Misunderstandings occur which adds to cognitive overload.

Hearing loss leaves us in a fog…the lack of clarity spills into other aspects of our well-being. We begin to withdraw from socialising, isolating ourselves and leading to depression.

With modern solutions hearing enhancement can be discreet, easy to use, provide connectivity to sounds we love to hear and help us stay connected to the world so we can socialise, listen with ease, understand what is going on around us in our environment which can prevent falls and stimulate areas of the brain that atrophy with lack of use.

The subject is topical with a myriad of research findings discovering that improving hearing improves our brain health, our emotional health, our mental health and even our physical health.

If you or a loved one suffers from hearing loss come and hear a group of Hearing Health Experts on how you can improve your brain health, change your circumstances and live a richer, fuller more vital life.

Our third-generation family practice AUDiOHEALTH is passionate about educating you on all things hearing! Hear Better, Think Better.

Call 1800 301 231 to book a place at the free seminar.

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