It looks like the North Sydney Council will miss out on one of the more warming events of Australia Day, with a bizarre decision to completely dump the annual Citizenship Ceremony on Australia Day, moving the citizenship ceremony to January 24th.
This decision leaves many of us scratching our heads. As a yearly tradition, welcoming new faces from all over the world to our country on the one national day we can celebrate these citizens together has suddenly come to an end.
This comes as more than 80 local councils across Australia are moving citizenship days away from January 26th due to the growing controversial divide in the community.
Member for Willoughby Tim James said, “I am both shocked and disappointed by this decision and know that many in our community will feel the same.”
“Citizenship ceremonies are a source of pride for our community, symbolising unity, cultural inclusivity, and the beginning of an exciting new chapter for our newest citizens. There is no greater privilege than doing this on our national day,” Mr James said.
It is strange that the controversy surrounding Australia Day has now entrenched itself so deep into today’s culture that we feel a need to put a pin in the day’s traditional ceremonies. Welcoming people worldwide on our national day is nothing more than a special event for families and friends, a day for the entire community to acknowledge.
A spokesperson from the North Sydney Council commented on the council’s decision to move the ceremony date to January 24th.
“Our January citizenship ceremony will take place on Wednesday, January 24th, in accordance with the Australian Citizenship Ceremonies Code, which was amended in 2023.”
“North Sydney Council takes great pride in collaborating with local schools and community members to welcome new citizens through our citizenship ceremonies. Our January ceremony will be as special and heartfelt for our new citizens as the 15 ceremonies held throughout the past year, where 1,654 new Australians have been welcomed. Like all our citizenship ceremonies, this event is for invited attendees only.
The spokesperson for the Council continued “We trust our new citizens will take the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy their Australia Day public holiday with family and friends.”
Tim James has called upon the North Sydney Council to engage in open dialogue with Councillors and the community about why this ceremony has been cancelled.
“Our community deserves to have our traditions respected. Welcome to all our new citizens this Australia Day. Thank you for choosing to call Australia home,” Mr James concluded.