Ku-ring-gai Leading the State in Boys Netball

Ku-ring-gai Netball Association (KNA) are making waves in male netball.

For a third year, Netball NSW has run an Under14s Division for their flagship event, HART Junior State Titles. In the spring of 2023, KNA decided to introduce a social u14 boys netball competition for Term 4 of the school year. Encouraging the boys to step out of their comfort zone, and to break the stigma of netball being a strictly feminine sport, KNA were joyed to see boys from AFL, basketball, cricket, football, and karate join the comp.

Confidently, KNA entered their u14s into the HART Junior State Titles, and a team of u17s to the male division of the Senior State Titles. This made KNA the only association in NSW to enter a team into every age and category.

Victorious, the u14s were crowned Male State Champions, the u17s were named Male Runners Up, and KNA were awarded the Open Age Men’s State Championship, and the All Abilities Netball State Championship.

On the first day of the State Titles, the u14s were undefeated, and continued striking down teams from Penrith, Charlestown and the Inner West. The boys finished the tournament on top of the ladder, and took home the NSW State Title.

‘2024 was our first hit out into the field of boy’s netball and we are thrilled with the outcome,’ says Ruth Havrlant, Ku-ring-gai Netball Association Vice President. ‘We look forward to continuing to grow our base and see more boys playing.’

To coach the boys, KNA recruited Mitch McBurnie for his experience as a Mixed Opens State player and a Premier League training partner. The boys took a shine to Coach McBurnie, praising his support and passion, and their love for the game.

‘Winning the competition with Ku-ring-gai this year was awesome… I love how you have to play as a team, you can’t rely. On just one player, everyone has to play their position and play it hard,’ says Ben N., an u14s competitor. ‘I loved having Mitch as the coach and all the training games… I can’t wait for next year’s teams.’

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