Ku-ring-gai Plans Spending $65 Million on Capital Works

KU-RING-GAI Council have plans on spending almost $65 million on capital works and other projects for the 2024-2025 financial year.

Residents are invited to view and comment on the revised 2022-2026 Delivery Program and draft 2024-2025 Operational Plan. Plans will be on public exhibition until Thursday the 16th of May.

The spending plan outlines that $57 million will be dedicated to capital works – roads, footpaths, sports fields, and local centres. Some of the breakdown includes $11.7 million for upgrading local roads, $9.4 million for a new indoor sports centre at St Ives High School, $6.4 million for park upgrades, $1.7 million for stormwater and drainage upgrades, $1.3 million for traffic improvements, and $2 million for footpaths.

Another $7.8 million will be spend on other projects in the next financial year.

‘Our roads and local shopping centres will see some major improvements as well as sporting facilities,’ said Ku-ring-gai Mayor Sam Ngai. He comments that the proposed budget and operation plan are a reflection of Council’s focus on capital works projects.

Alongside the Delivery Program and Operational Plan, other plans are on display for the public to comment on. These include the revised 10-Year Long Term Financial plan, proposed fees and charges for the coming financial year, the 10-Year Asset Management Strategy, and the Workforce Management Strategy.

To view the plans and comment online, visit Ku-ring-gai Council’s website.

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