Marian St Action Continue Advocacy with “Winterval” Event

Marian St Action, the community group previously known as Save Marian Street Theatre, are determined to revitalise arts and culture.

At the beginning of July, Marian St Action hosted their “Winterval” event at Selkirk Park. The event was a place for art enthusiasts to come together and share food, connect with neighbours, experience a singalong with professional musician Nate Gilkes, and advocate for the restoration of the abandoned Marian Street Theatre.

Significant members of the community attended Winterval. Federal Member for Bradfield, Paul Fletcher, and Bradfield candidate Nicolette Boele, along with State Member for Davidson, Matt Cross, were present at the event.

Ku-ring-gai Councillors Alec Taylor, Greg Taylor, Simon Lennon, Barbara Ward, Jeff Pettett, Mayor Sam Ngai, and Deputy Mayor Christine Kay attended. Candidates for the Ku-ring-gai Local Government elections in September made an appearance – namely Kristyn Haywood for the Wahroonga Ward, Indu Balachandran for the Gordon Ward, Adrienne McLean for the Comenarra Ward, and Jack Abadee for the Wahroonga Ward.

‘That’s what a transformed Marian Street Theatre can do: turn individuals into a group that enjoys working together,’ said Wendy Blaxland at the Ku-ring-gai Public Forum on the 9th of July. ‘Please move forward to build the DA approved plans, and we will have an inspirational building, not a patched up old theatre.’

Marian Street Theatre was closed in 2013 and has since had a Development Application approved by the Sydney North Planning Panel in 2021. However, Ku-ring-gai Council have made no significant strides in pooling funding together in order for the Theatre to reopen. Expiry for the Development Application will come to pass in August of 2026, and Marian St Action are vehemently attempting to encourage Council to get the ball rolling.

‘On the 16th of August, you go into caretaker mode,’ said Tony Bates to Council in the aforementioned Public Forum. ‘You have two meetings left to take care of business. To right wrongs. to fund Marian St Theatre.’

In the July Ordinary Meeting, Council carried a motion that saw Council reaffirm support for the DA on MST, and acknowledges the likely costs proposed by a feasibility report from Hydromedial Consulting Group of $7million to $15million required for functional re-opening.

The future of Marian Street Theatre continues to hang in the balance.

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