No Windscreen Fines on the Northern Beaches

NORTHERN Beaches Council have adopted the Revenue NSW Print and Post service for administrating fines. Instead of motorists having parking fines printed and left on windscreens, Council rangers will upload offences to the Revenue NSW server.

Revenue NSW developed this new system to counteract the problems with the old docket system. These issues included recipients being confused about the nature of their fines due to limited information, fines being removed leading to motorists being unaware they have committed an offence, and the administrative costs of sending out notices and letters.

With this new system, Council officers will continue to patrol parking, and once finding an offence, will document and photograph the infringement, sending the details to the Revenue NSW server. Revenue NSW will download the fine information and distribute it via email or the post on behalf of Council.

Northern Beaches Council were confident switching to this method of fine distribution due to success the system has had with 38 Councils across NSW.

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