Patients Support More Health Services by Pharmacists and Paramedics

Patients across the State are in support of pharmacists and paramedics delivering more health services. 

Following the successful Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) pharmacy trial, where community pharmacists were able to treat uncomplicated UTIs, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia conducted consumer research.

‘Patients across the state are overwhelmingly in favour of paramedics and pharmacists providing more services,’ says David Heffernan, NSW Branch President of the Pharmacy Guild.

Findings show that 91% of patients sampled support pharmacists offering more health services, and 81% of patients would be comfortable having their local pharmacist treat common skin conditions. A massive 94% of patients would support paramedics expanding their care capabilities.

‘Changes to pharmacists’ scope of practice have already been a massive success, with over 15,000 treatments delivered in the UTI trial,’ says David Heffernan. ‘If the NSW Government allows other health professional to offer more services too, we can make a real difference for patients across the state.’

Eligible pharmacists across NSW are now able to treat uncomplicated UTIs, dispense and resupply oral contraceptive pills, and in the coming months, may be able to treat skin conditions such as dermatitis, cellulitis, and shingles.

These reforms are being explored to give patients quicker and more accessible healthcare, while freeing up doctors and hospitals to have more focus on difficult and complicated conditions.

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