Protecting the Lucky Country

It is indeed a myth to say Australia is the envy of the world, as we hear so often reported in mainstream media. Got your attention yet?

Most other countries own national pride, unique trials and tribulations prevents such illusions. Given some people to this very day still travel to Austria mistakenly.

It is however true to say, that we are well known and respected around the world for our egalitarianism, our kindness, mateship and a fair go for everybody, no matter where you are from.

Australia, the 6th largest country in the world, inhabited by indigenous and traditional custodians for the last 60,000 years. A former dominion of England and penal colony, more recently a rising star on the world stage.

A succession of waves of immigration post WW2 from most parts of the world have transformed Australia from its past, where today 29% of us claim to have been born overseas.

No other country in the world can claim to be more culturally diverse or as successful in multiculturalism as we have been.

Yet, in spite of all our success and all that we should be so proud of, there are shadowy forces and voices seemingly at work against our national pride and clear success.

From those that don’t like our democracy or hard-fought freedoms and values that we hold so dear, freedoms of speech, freedom of association, freedom of choice of religion or not, a commitment to the laws of the land.

Freedom of speech has never been under more threat by those that shout integrity from the mountain tops, but yet distribute fake news and seek to discredit one and all that don’t fall into line with their hidden activist doctrines.

So, perhaps the next time you’re asked to give your personal email address away or even give up some of your hard-earned cash to a political activist as a donation, seemingly saying all the right things. Ask them first how they spent their Australia Day, do they have a photo or two.

In conclusion, never let anyone, from a cricketer to a corporate elite, make you feel anything less than incredibly proud of your country, that your personal freedoms are indeed your own and enshrined by law.

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