Tania Salitra Hornsby Greens Mayoral Candidate

The Greens are promoting Tania Salitra for the mayoral spot on Hornsby Shire Council.

Although now retiring from Council, Greens mayoral candidate for the 2021 Local Government Elections was Emma Heyde. Despite losing, Heyde managed an astounding feat by receiving over 42% of the first preferences votes. The Greens are hoping to advance their results this time with Tania Salitra.

With a background in manufacturing production management, Tania has un her own business as a commercial photographer. Under her belt is a degree in communications, and qualifications in human resource management, small business management, manufacturing management, photography, and fashion.

Deeply passionate about the tree canopy, rural bushland, waterways, and wildfire across the Bushland Shire, Tania’s focus in on protecting the environment through sustainability and waste reduction, and being a voice on council that is mindful of climate change.

As Mayor, Tania will strive to protect Hornsby’s character and fight against over-development. Instead, Tania believes development should be appropriately aligned with infrastructure, and rejects further subdivision and rezoning of rural land.

Community-driven change and consultation are important to Tania. Practicing integrity, accountability, and having a climate forward strategy is her vision as the next Mayor of the Hornsby Shire.

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