The race is on for the ex-Premier’s electorate as former news presenter announces candidature

THE race is on for the Liberal Party to pre-select a candidate to replace ex-Premier Gladys Berejiklian in the state electorate of Willoughby.

The heir apparent is Willoughby Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney, who has extensive experience in local government and has support in some of the local branches.

After much speculation, former Channel Nine presenter and newsreader, Kellie Sloan, has confirmed she will put herself as a candidate and has taken leave from her position as CEO of Life Education Australia. Kellie’s husband, Adam Connolly, grew up on the North Shore is also a former journalist and served as a Media Adviser to then Prime Minister, John Howard. They have lived in Northbridge for a number of years with their three boys. She is expected to appeal to Liberal Party moderates who see her as a potential future front bencher.

Lawyer Tim James, currently Executive General Manager of the Menzies Research Centre, is expected to draw support from the Right wing of the Party.

Due to the Liberal Party’s rules, none of the candidates are in a position to speak publicly about the merits of their candidacy.

The timetable for the pre-selection process is currently being finalised by the Liberal Party head office.

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