There is only one urgent agenda for Ku-ring-gai. Inundate NSW Planning’s portal with submissions. Get them in by the deadline, Friday 23 February.
Visit Ku-ring-gai Council’s website for ideas.
Perhaps something like:
“I oppose the rezonings because I love my home and I don’t want developers rapaciously knocking down my neighbours’ houses, ripping out trees and beautiful gardens, blocking the streets with more cars and building poor quality housing that my children still can’t afford to buy.”
The NSW Planning’s new ‘Transport Oriented Development’ (TOD) is jargon for ‘destroy local amenity, heritage, tree canopy and environment and fill it with the sound of chainsaws and demolition trucks’. It is also code for ‘smash the planning system and rezone by stealth and give the developers everything they want’.
Where is the evidence for why the 400 metres around Roseville, Lindfield, Killara and Gordon Stations were chosen to become high rise ‘Zetland’ style streets? Where will the additional schools, parks, playgrounds, sports fields, public transport come from? What about infrastructure? Energy? Water pressure? Ageing sewerage infrastructure? Traffic congestion? When Ku-ring-gai Council asked these questions NSW Planning declined to answer, obfuscating that it was “Cabinet in Confidence”.
Yet the Minns NSW Government’s proposals for dual occupancies, terrace house and ‘manor houses’ will have a far greater impact across Ku-ring-gai. No place is safe.
Prime Minister Albanese’s hero Tom Uren visited Ku-ring-gai more than a decade ago and said: “You have something special here in Ku-ring-gai. Fight for it!”
Yes, fight for it.
Send in your submission now.