Affordable Housing in the Bushland Shire

Hornsby Council is consulting with the community on Affordable Housing

Hornsby Shire Council has endorsed the Hornsby Affordable Housing Strategy at the December Meeting.

The Affordable Housing Strategy will see actions in public and private sectors to deliver more affordable and social housing, emphasising accommodation for key workers.

In tandem with the Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme that sets specific rates for affordable housing, the newly endorsed Affordable Housing Strategy provides a framework for planning, facilitating, and advocating for affordable homes for rent and homeownership.

‘We are acutely aware that housing is a major concern to our residents,’ says Mayor Warren Waddell.

Proposed action for planning involves finalising and implementing affordable housing contribution requirements in identified precincts. Other actions include promoting diverse housing for greater choice and undertaking regular reviews of the contribution rates.

Action for facilitation involves undertaking an asset review, preparing an Affordable Housing Portfolio Management Policy that outlines the responsibilities of Council, and managing the process of engaging with community housing providers.

For advocacy action, Council will prepare an affordable housing webpage, while promoting affordable housing via the webpage, Council’s Facebook, and Council’s e-news. Council is to ensure maintenance of affordable social housing by allocating appropriate resources.

Prior to endorsing the Strategy, Council publicly exhibited the draft Strategy for a month, where the community was able to provide feedback.

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