TELSTRA have announced that they will be providing around 12,000 of its most disadvantaged, elderly or remote customers across the country with a new handset, to ensure that they’re able to stay connected after the 3G closure.
The initiative has been rolled out ahead of the 3G network closure on 31 August 2024 and is aimed to support those who need it most.
Many of these customers are over 80 years old and in difficult situations such as dealing with financial hardship or recovering from a natural disaster. Some of these customers also depend on a working phone because they are living with a life-threatening medical condition (Telstra’s ‘Priority Assistance’ customers).
Back in April, Telstra launched an easy to use SMS tool to check if your phone needs an upgrade ahead of the switch – it’s encouraging Aussies to SMS ‘3’ to 3498 to check if their phones need an upgrade ahead of the 3G shutdown.
Telstra also recently extended the 3G network closure (to 31 August 2024) to allow people more time to upgrade their devices.
For more information call Telstra or call into a stall.