Procrastination: The Enemy of Success

From the moment we are born, the only thing we really have is time, and the amount of it that each of us has is not certain. Our businesses are no different.

Time is merely how we measure change, whether it’s the movement of the hands of the clock, rotation of the earth around the sun, or changes in the business conditions. We can not alter the passage of time; however, we are in control of what we do with the precious time we have.

Procrastination, or delaying immediate action for important matters, destroys time and therefore the opportunity for success.  It is human to ‘put off until tomorrow’ acting on things we find difficult or distasteful.  We all do it, some to a greater extent than others. It is how we deal with it that matters. When it comes to success, “time is of the essence”!

There are many ways to deal with procrastination.  Here are three that have worked for me:

Precise vision. Irrespective of your business or your role in the business, it is essential to have clarity on where you are continually working toward.  This clear vision enables you to align your actions toward it.  When you are faced with decisions, choose the action that best aligns toward achieving that vision.  You will be more likely to act immediately when you know that what you are doing supports your success toward the vision.

Clear Written Plan.  Success is not an accident; it requires orchestrated effort, whether it is you as an individual or a multi-national corporation.  Writing, then implementing a clear plan, adjusting it as necessary based on feedback, enables decisions to be made that support it.  Immediate action is easy when a decision can be made based on how it aligns with the plan.

Specific ‘Near-, Medium-, Long-Term’ Goals and Scoreboard. Set goals as part of the Plan and track progress toward achieving them with a ‘scoreboard’.  Determine the most important things that you and your business do, define goals for them, then track them using a scoreboard that you and your people continually refer to, just as sports teams track their progress for the game, the season, and the history of the clubs.  Decisions on matters become easier when making them relates directly to achieving the near-, medium-, and long-term goals.

Eliminating procrastination does not mean making hasty decisions.  Success relies on making considered decisions then acting on them in a timely manner.  Having a clear vision with a current documented plan to support it that contains goals that are constantly reviewed using a scoreboard to track progress allows decisions to be made and decisive action to be taken.

When faced with decisions, this approach enables time to consider the alternatives, make an appropriate risk assessment, prioritise the matter in line with the Vision/Plan/Goals, then act with alacrity by doing the most important things first, in a timely manner.

To quote Geoffrey Chaucer: “Time and tide wait for no man”.  If it needs done and it is in line with your Plan, why wait?

For more Business ideas for success, listen to the “CEO Thinking” podcast using Apple or Spotify. For specific mentoring and advice, contact the author.

Philip Belcher MBA, FAICD, FIML is a specialist CEO Leadership, Strategy, and Execution Advisor and Principal of LSE Consulting Pty Ltd.,

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