Start the Mental Health Conversation with R U OK? This September

R U OK? Day falls on September 12th this year, a National Day of Action to let those closest to us in our communities know that they are free and safe to open up about mental health. 

Though the day empowers friends, family members, colleagues, teammates and others to start a meaningful conversation, the RUOK? organisation are encouraging Australians to Ask R U OK? Any Day of the year.

RUOK? believe starting this conversation could change lives.

To ensure the experience goes smoothly, RUOK? Offer tips of how to ask.

First, being relaxed and friendly is important to help them open up. If someone is not ready to speak, do not criticise and avoid confrontation. Instead, RUOK? suggest letting people know you are open to a conversation whenever they may need one and inquire if perhaps, they would rather speak with someone else.

Second, RUOK? maintain that listening with an open mind is vital. Being non-judgmental, not interrupting or rushing the conversation, and repeat back what they have said to let them know you are listening.

Next, encourage the person to action if need be. Speak positively of professional help if they seem to need it. It is important to continuously check in on the person to show support and care.

If worried about possible suicide, contact Lifeline Australia. If a life is in danger, call 000

To find RUOK? resources, visit

For Lifeline crisis support, visit

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