Walk for World Suicide Prevention Day with Lifeline Australia

World Suicide Prevention Day is on the 10th of September.

On average, over 3,000 people in Australia lose their life to suicide each year, leaving behind broken and grieving families and loved ones. Suicide is the leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 44 years, with estimations of around 60,000 attempted suicides each year.

Lifeline Australia are the nation’s prime suicide help service, offering 24-hour crisis support for any Australia facing difficulty and struggling mentally.

To mark World Suicide Prevention Day, Lifeline are holding their “Out of the Shadows” event. As a way to honour and remember those lost to suicide, the event serves to unite the local community by paying tribute to a friend or family member that has been affected by suicide and show support for Australians experiencing emotional distress.

Out of the Shadows is a 9km walk for the 9 people that pass each day from suicide. This year, the walk will provide a safe space for the community to come together, learn, reflect, and highlight the importance of human connection.

To talk 24/7 to a Lifeline Crisis Supporter, call 13 11 14 or text 0477 131 114

All Lifeline suicide prevention services can be found at www.lifelineh2hsydney.org.au/

If in immediate danger, call Triple Zero 000.

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