Jean Hailes Foundation are once again hosting their annual Women’s Health Week.
Every September, thousands of people gather to dedicate time to the wellbeing of women and girls by sharing vital health information.
Women’s Health Week the largest Australian event that focuses on female health.
From the 2nd to the 6th of September, tearooms, boardrooms, classrooms and community centres are gearing up to hold sessions to share health information.
This year, on the 4th of September, Walker Street Doctors in North Sydney are hosting a Q&A forum Wednesday Wellness at Work the Walker Street Way.
During, five general practitioners will present on five topics, ten minutes each. The first is Know Your Body – “what’s the buzz on cervical screening, breast, skin and bowel screening”. The second is Courageous Conversations – “tips and tools to help you talk to your doctor about menopause, hormones, heavy periods, PCOS and more”. Third is Shame and Stigma – “tackling taboos and sharing women’s stories about bladder leakage, painful sex, and STIs”. Fourth will be Point of Difference – “some conditions affect women differently, a closer look at presentations of heart health, migraine and pelvic pain”. Finally, Trust Your Gut – “making healthy eating easier, nutrition basics and having healthy relationship with food”.
On the 8th of September, the Women’s Adventure Film Tour is back on the Northern Beaches to celebrate inspirational women who are achieving their adventurous dreams.
At the Glen Street Theatre, the event will showcase short films of real women from diverse cultural backgrounds, tackling their goals.
For more information about Women’s Health Week, visit
For more information about the Adventure Film Tour, visit