THIS year I-MED Radiology demonstrated its commitment to the local community with the relocation and expansion of the service provision at Hornsby. The new clinic is located at 160 Pacific Highway, and patients can expect a modern calming environment supported by caring professional staff.
Services include CT, MRI, Interventional procedures, Bone Mineral Densitometry, X-ray (including dental), US & Mammography.
The relocation has afforded the opportunity to install a state-of-the-art brand new 3T MRI scanner that is fully Medicare eligible. This has enabled the ability to provide Bulk Billing for concession card holders when referred for a Medicare eligible scan.
Radiologist Dr Stephen Repse, one of the onsite “specialist doctors this scanner is equipped with advanced technologies that benefits patients through shorter scan times while producing exceptional image quality. Plus, it helps reduce discomfort from claustrophobia and minimises impact of image quality caused by patient movement. This means a better patient experience, and better healthcare outcomes”
About 50 people celebrated the relocation and superior MRI technology in an official launch. Special guest at the event was Hon Paul Fletcher MP, Federal Member for Bradfield along with a number of referring practitioners.
Scan here for more information about the I-MED Radiology service or to make an appointment.