Ku-ring-gai Council brought on additional weekend staff to manage an upsurge in clean-up requests following storm activity.

Ku-ring-gai, like other parts of Sydney, was buffeted by strong winds and storms from Thursday through to Sunday morning.
Due to these winds, Council by midday on Monday had received 278 requests for help, including to clean-up fallen trees or branches and clear blocked drains. This was in addition to the many requests made to the State Emergency Service.
Council worked closely with the State Emergency Service and Rural Fire Service to triage jobs and prioritise responses. Ausgrid also played a crucial role responding to power outages.
Council brought on additional staff on Saturday to manage requests.

This included responding to damage to the Jim Powell Pavilion at St Ives Showground, which was struck by a tree fall.
Ku-ring-gai Mayor Christine Kay thanked staff for their efforts.
“We know that staff came in on their rostered days off to help residents and get through the huge volume of clean-up work required by this storm and winds,” Mayor Kay said.
“I’d like to thank everyone who was involved in this response, including Council’s staff but also the extraordinary efforts of volunteers and staff at the State Emergency Service, Ausgrid and Rural Fire Service.”