It seems Ku-ring-gai Council has yet to learn their lesson. Either that, or they find no issue with a multi-night stay at an out-of-area hotel on the ratepayers’ dime.
Last year, Ku-ring-gai staff and councillors, and their families, stayed at the luxury accommodation The Convent Hunter Valley on what was described as a “conference”.
Council elected to go on another getaway, this time to the Blue Mountains.
Ku-ring-gai Council has confirmed that senior staff attended the two-day workshop at The Hydro Majestic Hotel.
As the two-day event was not recorded for public viewing, the exact nature of the workshop remains a mystery.
Councillor Cedric Spencer seems to have had a change of heart about such workshops, given he had attended the previous event at The Convent. ‘Are councillors attending a working conference or a ball?’ writes Cr Spencer on a Facebook forum.
Perhaps for their next conference, Council might consider a venue within their LGA and support a Ku-ring-gai business.